In this issue:
Wheel the World
Alex Ghenis profiles Wheel the World Founder and CEO Alvaro Silberstein and details his plans for a better accessible travel company.
Child Care Nightmare
A poorly-placed drainpipe proved to be the access hurdle that pushed Seth McBride over the top in his quest for child care. His story highlights how utterly broken the system is.
Best Advice for People with SCI
Bob Vogel asked seven people with over 280 combined years living with SCI to share their best advice.
Southern Destinations
Jessica Farthing and Sylvia Longmire guide you on memorable accessible vacations in South Carolina’s Lowcountry and Tallahassee, Florida.
How We Measure Representation
More and more successful plays are incorporating authentic portrayals of disability, but Greg Moomjy wonders if we can’t do better.
Three Years Into the Pandemic
The empty streets and toilet paper shortages of 2020 seem like ancient history, but three years later the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic still surround us and profoundly affect our everyday lives. In this issue’s in-depth feature, we examine some of COVID-19’s lasting impacts on the disability community. We curated reader stories, along with a selection of essays on how the pandemic has affected accessibility and the built environment, emergency preparedness, employment, SCI support and mental health.